Sunday, January 31, 2010

A convenient paradox

There seems to be a big drive by the Government and its cronies to form some sort of alliance with the business community in an apparent effort to garner funds through various means. Keith Burrowes writing in the Sunday Chronicle "Revaluing the retired*" is suggesting that the private sector set up a fund to help our seniors. On the surface it seems like a wonderful idea. To support his idea he draws reference to the over reliance on Government. However, in the very same paragraph he still wants Government to facilitate the administration of the funds. The citizenry of this country should not put up with another scandal Mr. Burrowes or another fat cat to watch milk. Not that you are a fat cat or a cat for that matter. Your suggestion is conveniently flawed.

Mr Burrowes states...

"In this column, one of the issues I've usually written on is the over-dependence on government in too many areas. While government’s input is no doubt invaluable to the development of certain programmes, ownership of any initiative on the elderly needs to be at a national level. For example, one idea I would like to put forward is that of a sort of needs-based Pensioners' Fund, wherein government facilitates the administration of the fund which is supported by private sector contribution.

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