Thursday, July 31, 2008

Rohee continues to admit killing squad existed

The Home Affairs Minister continues to point out the widely accepted belief that killing squads were formed and allowed to function under the then Home Affairs Minister, Ronald Gajraj, who has now been posted on a diplomatic mission to India.

Despite Gajraj's denial of no wrong doing, Rohee continues to add credibility to the existence of the squads, which were responsible for a number of deaths and dissaperances. Global lessons good for dunce. Any Government would take note that the former Bosnian Serb leader, Radovan Karadzic who is before the U.N.'s Yugoslav war crimes tribunal for charges of genocide and crimes against humanity.

SN Editorial: Minister of Home Affairs Mr Clement Rohee seems to have reached a fork in the road. One route leads forward to improved human security and public safety. The other leads backward to more extra-judicial killings and torture.

Speaking at the Guyana Police Force’s annual commemoration ceremony for policemen killed on duty, Mr Rohee announced that enforcement of the law was the task of the police force alone and renounced the employment of “private militias [and] phantom groups” as part of “an era that is left behind.” Indeed, those rogue groups contributed measurably to the troubles on the East Coast in 2002-2003. But where was Mr Rohee all the time?

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