Friday, August 04, 2006

The folklore of Guyana politics

The Election race is off with six parties contesting enough seats regionally to lay claim to the Office of the President if they win the majority votes and the folklore continues.

It started on Nomination Day, a day that resembled the horizon of a changed political landscape just after midday when the Justice For All Party headed by CN Sharma swooped down on city hall to present his list of Candidates to GECOM.

That promising atmosphere soon tilted the hands of the clock backward to a time when politicians had no regard for each other.

Up to the arrival of the AFC, everything seemed promising. But when the PPP/C entered the fray and nearly dispersed the AFC supporters, it was evident; this new political culture had died a natural death.

Once inside the President tried to upstage the AFC by trying to bypass them in the queue to present his list.

He was prevented from doing so. He displayed total arrogance that day, but what’s new?

After the President and his bandwagon departed, several other smaller parties turned up, including the National Muslim Party with a leader that had no supporters and no signatories to support just him, much less those who he planned on placing on the list.

Late in the afternoon as the sun rested in the West, the PNCR looking like a band of vagabonds up eastern Regent Street started tramping their way to city hall, 15 minutes before GECOM closed its doors to political parties.

As they got closer it looked like a destructive mob of people. It was. They tore through the gate and up city hall stairs with thunderous shouts as Corbin secluded himself between the supporters.
At 5 minutes before GECOM closed its door the PNCR made it in…We are not surprised since it clearly shows how serious they take the polls and maybe an indication at the space they will end up at the close of polls on August 28.

Both the PPP/C and PNCR-1G (as they call themselves now) have not changed a bit…PPP is still bigoted and the PNCR is still well, well sorry hoi polloi…oops.