Friday, May 09, 2008

Political coalition by 2011 mulled

The idea of a political coalition is being pitched between political parties in Guyana especially the Opposition. Currently the major actors, including Vision Guyana led by Peter Ramsaroop, are brain storming a plan. Ramsaroop and his group crafted the plan, which is based on some of the following points.

1. We strongly believe that the only approach that will work for 2011 will be a Coalition. Without it, many have said they will not get involve in helping. We agree. We cannot wait like we have done in the past a few months prior to elections and try .

2. Coalition definition is not putting political parties together, but a coming together of like minded groups, individuals, political parties that believe it is time that we the people take back control of our Nation.

3. If we strike Oil under the current government – suddenly they will own both political and economic power. We proposed that Oil Royalties go to the citizens of Guyana and manage like we do a 401K in the US.

4. Prior to a 2011 election, we proposed to develop a Coalition Assembly that will function like a parliament, (will help eliminate our Ego problem) This body will formed to help develop legislation from now in a consensus way and with full transparency in order for the people of Guyana to know that we all can work together.

5. We are trying to get a poll commissioned that will get to the top 5 issues the people want solve and what we can do about all of this.

Without all of us focusing on Guyana collectively and working on putting a Government in place that is for all the people, where we can build a free market economic platform with a social conscience and where people can progress in life financially versus 60% of our GDP being from Remittances and a large chunk from the Underground economy should give us motivation to fight for the last Alamo. Our people are suffering and we must work now, not just for a electoral change but for economic changes today in order for our families to get out of poverty.

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