Monday, March 13, 2006

Dredful Opinion

We feel for Manzoor Nadir, the tourisim man with a vision. Ever since he took office he has been seeing increase tourist arrivals.

We have been here for five years, and for that time we are still to see the influx of tourist alluded to by Mr. Nadir. We wonder if those VSO's or foreigners coming to work here are included in Nadir's figure.

Non the less, Cricket World Cup is just around the corner and Nadir is pulling all the diplomatic plugs. Like an obeah man he already seeing an influx of tourist, 20,000m to be exact. That's 20,000 new wallets and hand bags to snatch. 20,000 more lives to be snatched by blood thirsty gunmen. 20,000 more that will hear from Govt. and GINA and 20,000 more complaints about Guyana.

We are peeved that all other Caribbean destinations can accomodate huge cruise ships that match the height of the tallest building in Georgetown. Guyanese go crazy when one lil ship come once in a bluemoon.

CWC coming and Nadir is yet to dredge de fricking Demerara Channel. Any huge cruise ship coming will have to dock way out in the Atlantic and the tourists will have to risk their lives by using small boats to climb pretty.

Who is Nadir fooling? Some of these Media Bigshots who never left these shores go crazy, running around like headless chickens when 1 small cruise ship land. NCN does do big fancy feature...It looks shameful, Guyana suffering from disaccustomcy

But before you start running around predicting how much money Guyana will make during the world cup, stick and pin and consider this from the folks over at Livinguyana.

If livinguyana's opionion is true, its a dredful one in deed. Our concern here is that Nadir is dooping poor Guyanese into seeting up Hotels and tea and breakfast facilities for tourists.

Many Guyanese are borrowing loans, hoping to repay the banks after reaking US $$$ from the tourists. We hope for the sake of all those poor people running to the Banks that Mr. Nadir has it right this time.

We see a big problem and everybody forgetting. Regardless of the world cup chatter, Guyana has to survive General Elections...With all those guns around, 33 Aks missing and we hosting World cup? Have a Laugh, thats what the international community will do.