Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Where are the monies????????????

Alliance For Change Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan says that, for the President to name a bank account he contends contains monies purportedly from the Wildlife Fund, when the Finance Minister tabled a Treasury Memorandum indicating that the records could not be located or reconstructed, is a “quite interesting development”. Ramjattan expressed this opinion in an invited comment yesterday following the adjournment of the National Assembly.

On Saturday last, President Bharrat Jagdeo, during a press briefing at State House, had stated that he was unaware of any financial records being missing, but noted that the money was placed into a non-interest bank account and he had a problem with that.

He also noted that there was some level of corruption at the Office of the President (OP), and several persons had to be fired as a result.

Commenting on the missing financial records for the Wildlife bank account for the period 1998 to 2002, which was at the time operated under the auspices of OP, President Jagdeo said that he was not au fait with all of the details of the issue, but he noted that, in one instance, people were caught taking money and giving permits for the export of animals, “way beyond what our quota allowed.” He added that the money was then placed in a non-interest account at the Bank of Baroda.

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